Monday 18 July 2011

7 weeks and 3 days to go...

and we will be on our way to see our son, Lee, his girlfriend Poon and our first grandchild, our little granddaughter, Leelawadee (Lia, for those who get tongue-tied easily :)).

It's hard to describe the emotions we are feeling as the time gets closer.  For you see we haven't seen Lee for almost two years, since he decided to set up home in Thailand.  Now in a relationship and a Daddy, he has provided us with a definite holiday/home destination for the rest of our lives.

Leelawadee is an absolute doll and is apparently a "very good baby" as Mum puts it.  As she grows day by day, doing things all babies do, it's hard to imagine she'll be 3 months old by the time we hold her for the first time!

Named after a national Thai flower, I'm sure she will blossom into a beautiful little girl before our very eyes.  Now both Lee and ourselves are connected to Skype, the world is suddenly a very much smaller place!!